Price-free Vakanties D-reizen and TUI have further expanded their cooperation. The TUI package holidays are now also offered on Price-Free Holidays. For the past two years, the TUI offer has already been bookable through the D-reizen stores and via Price-free Holidays has been added since the beginning of June. “With the addition of Price-Free Holidays as a sales channel, we can reach and inspire an even wider group of consumers with our offer,” says Dimitri Joannides, Sales Manager TUI Netherlands. ‘Over the past two years, we have laid a good foundation in the collaboration through D-reizen. With this expansion, we are taking the next step in this direction. TUI wants to offer consumers the widest possible range of sales channels. Through its own channels such as the TUI website, the TUI shops and the independent travel advisors of TUI at Home. But also via external points of sale such as where the price-conscious consumer can now also book TUI trips. Jutta van Peer, Director Contracting & Partnerships Suppliers Prijsvrij Vakanties & D-reizen adds: ‘The collaboration with TUI, which came about 2 years ago, has proven to be successful for both parties both commercially and in the mutual relationship. It is therefore logical that you look together at where you can strengthen each other even more. With this unique step, we see a great addition to our product portfolio for our brand Prijsvrij Vakanties and a great opportunity for TUI to really reach a new audience.’ Photo: Dimitri Joannides and Jutta van Peer signed the agreement in De Kuip during the away match between the Dutch and Iceland on Monday 10 June.